Chilled Beams & Ceiling Association

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The Systems

Chilled Ceilings and Chilled Beams are increasingly being used to provide comfort cooling in both new and refurbished buildings. Using well proven technology, they are flexible, simple to install and maintain, and can provide an energy efficient, cost effective alternative to traditional cooling systems.

The Association

The Chilled Beam and Ceiling Association (formerly the Chilled Ceiling Association), has been formed by leading companies within the building industry. The objective of the Association is to promote the use of Chilled Beams and Chilled Ceilings, and encourage best practice in their development and application. Members meet throughout the year to discuss relevant topics and issues, and to agree courses of action designed to achieve this objective.


CBCA Technical Fact Sheet TFS 004 Addendum to Non-Domestic Services Compliance Guide 2013 - March 16; Issue 1

CBCA Technical Fact Sheet TFS 003 Multi-Service Chilled Beams - July 14; Issue 2

CBCA Technical Fact Sheet TFS 002 EDSL Tas Energy Study summary findings - June 2013; Issue 4

CBCA Technical Fact Sheet TFS S001 - Thermal Comfort - January 2013; Issue 2

Other publications

CBCA article - Cool down to meet workplace demands - BSEE journal July 2014

Chilled Beams Performance Research - CIBSE Journal Nov 13

Fan Coil Group disputes Chilled Beam Energy Study findings - RAC 8 Aug 13

Chilled beam study claims potential for 20% energy savings over fan coils - RAC 8 Aug 13

Chill out and save - RAC article September 2013

Chilled beam systems get cool results - FM World 1 Aug 13

HEVAC Fan Coil Unit Group responds to CBCA report - H&V News 9 Aug 13

Study hails 22% energy savings with chilled beam technology - H&V News 2 August 13

New CBCA study is “powerful tool” - Heating, Ventilating and Plumbing Aug 13

CBCA article on An Introduction to Chilled Beams and Ceilings in RAC Journal February 13

An Introduction to Chilled Beams and Ceilings - July 2012; Version 1