Wander ter Kuile

Wander ter Kuile

FETA and HEVAC recently lost a long standing member and contributor with the passing of Wander ter Kuile of Waterloo Air Products. 

Wander first became associated with HEVAC when working for Vokes.  He joined the Filter Group in 1994 and quickly became very active in association matters.  He became the chairman of the Filter Group in 2003, and such was his popularity amongst his industry colleagues they asked him to stay on as chairman even after he stopped being involved with a filter company.   On joining Waterloo, Wander became involved in the Air Distribution Group, again taking an active role leading to his becoming chairman of the Group in 2011.

Mike Duggan, FETA Technical Manager, commented “I knew Wander from when he first became involved with FETA, and he was always very helpful to FETA and HEVAC staff.  I recall that once, when we had been of assistance to him, he drove over to thank us personally at the FETA offices”

Wander’s family’s chosen charity is Pancreatic Cancer Action, and should any member wish to make a donation this can be done at www.justgiving.com/ter-Kuile


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