Tony Bendall

Tony Bendall

Tony Bendall, who worked for FETA as the Heat Pump Manager in the '90s, passed away on the 7th March 2017 after a long illness.  He was 82.

Tony spent his career in the HVAC industry, mainly the manufacturing sector.  In addition to being a former Sales Director of Qualitair and of Myson's air conditioning division, he also worked for J Samuel Whites, Andrews, Sabroe and Temperature Ltd.

Tony Bendall first got involved with HEVAC through the Heat Pump Manufacturers Association (a part of HEVAC) in the 1980’s.  Later Tony became the manager of the Heat Pump Association (HPA) in FETA from 1995 to 2001.

Having a special interest in heat pumps and their market application, as manager of the HPA he represented the Association and industry on a number of bodies including the UK Heat Pump Network, Parliamentary Renewable and Sustainable Energy Group and the European Heat Pump Association.

He remained an active member of the HPA until 2005 and his contribution over many years was recognised when the HPA made Tony an Honorary member.


24 April 2017

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