IOR: Gaining Business Advantage from 20-20-20 targets

IOR: Gaining Business Advantage from 20-20-20 targets

This IOR International Refrigeration Committee Business Briefing will focus on the business opportunities of environmental policy and international energy reduction targets. 

In an uncertain global community there are questions about what the impact of EU Policy and Global accords are going to have on the UK Government energy and environment strategy. This Briefing is being held to discuss in the RACHP community what have been the drivers and successes to date in achieving energy efficiency savings and lowering emissions.  What are our options? What new solutions are likely to present themselves? And how should we in the UK put these in an international context?

This half day business briefing will offer guidance and case studies of:

  • How 20-20-20 is driving energy efficiency and reducing emissions in Europe
  • Technologies and behaviour factors that are having an impact
  • The role of low GWP HFO refrigerants

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