FETA joins National Home Improvement Council

FETA joins National Home Improvement Council

One of the core values of FETA is to support improvements in decarbonisation productivity and to play our part in achieving global carbon reduction targets.

By becoming members of the National Home Improvement Council, we are demonstrating leadership and contributing to the wider voice of home improvement to stakeholders such as government, finance institutions and consumer protection organisations.  By working together, we know that more can be achieved, and we can support solutions that help the 1million plus RMI professionals get net zero ready and ensure proposed solutions delivery real world impact.

By being members of the NHIC we are improving the nation’s homes together.

What is the NHIC?

It is the umbrella organisation for the UK, repair maintenance and home improvement sector, A consortium of organisations representing over 1million micro-sme’s and sole traders that make up the diverse and professional home improvement sector. Since 1974 the NHIC has worked to understand and communicate the decarbonisation journey to support trades and householders to improve the energy and water efficiency of homes and reduce fuel poverty.


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