FETA encourages both ETL registered and non-registered members to take part in ICF research

FETA is encouraging its members to share their views on the Energy Technology List (ETL) and Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) scheme by taking part in ICF’s survey and helping to reshape a policy which is crucial for our industry.  The ETL (or Energy Technology Product List, ETPL) is a government-managed list of energy-efficient plant and machinery. It is part of the Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) tax scheme for businesses.

The ICF is doing a review of the ETL which aims to gather the views, experiences and critical feedback from manufacturers of energy efficient products that are eligible for Enhanced Capital Allowance’s.

The research aims to deliver insights that will help the UK Government to understand more about the operation of the UK Energy Technology List and Enhanced Capital Allowance scheme for energy saving technologies.

Additionally, the findings of the research will allow both the ICF and BEIS to understand the perceptions and added value of the ETL to product manufacturers. It will also identify how the use of the ETL scheme by product manufacturers may be increased, what improvements to ETL processes could be implemented and manufacturer perceptions and the perceived impact of ECAs. It will also help to identify what aspects of the system operate well and where there are opportunities for future improvements.

FETA has supported the concept of the ETL but has expressed concern that the burden imposed by additional testing is in effect a barrier to the scheme achieving its laudable aims.

Whether you are an existing ETL participant or not you are welcome to share your views and help to shape a policy which has a significant impact in our industry by visiting the official ICF website: https://www.icf.com/



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