FETA and HPA sign DecarbHeat Declaration of Support
The Federation of Environmental Trade Associations (FETA) and the Heat Pump Association (HPA) have demonstrated their commitment to carbon free heating and cooling by signing the DecarbHeat Declaration of Support.
DecarbHeat is a European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) initiative that aims to turn the vision of a 100% carbon-free European heating and cooling sector by 2050 into reality.
The initiative includes an industry pledge signed by 25 representatives from leading organisations across the European thermal industry. By signing the pledge, these companies have demonstrated a willingness to take a prominent role in helping the industry make the all-important transition to carbon-free heating and cooling.
Supporting these signatories, nearly 50 other groups and associations from around Europe, including FETA and the HPA, have signed a separate declaration of support. This document represents an assurance that the associations and industry stakeholders back the DecarbHeat initiative and, where necessary, will take action to help realise the overriding goal of a 100% renewable heating and cooling sector.
Russell Beattie, Chief Executive of FETA, commented: “It is estimated that heating and cooling are responsible for 51% of Europe’s final energy demand. If the decarbonisation of Europe is ever to be fully realised, stakeholders from across the heating and cooling industry must come together and show a real commitment to lowering this figure. FETA and the HPA fully support the DecarbHeat initiative and its worthwhile objective of achieving carbon-free heating and cooling by 2050.”
The formal signatures were made public during the DecarbHeat Forum - a two day conference that took place in Brussels on 11-12 May and brought together over 30 speakers and 200 professionals involved in the heating and cooling sector.
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