Feedback needed on new BEMS Controls Engineer Standard

Feedback needed on new BEMS Controls Engineer Standard

The challenge of developing BEMS Controls Engineers in sufficient numbers and quality for the industry, is one that the BCIA continues to address. The main focus at present is to achieve full professional recognition for BEMS Control Engineers. This primarily involves the completion of a BEMS Controls Engineer Trailblazer Apprenticeship Standard (required as part of the government’s overhaul of the old apprenticeship scheme).

An employer Trailblazer Group was formed and a proposal to develop the BEMS Controls Engineer Standard was approved in December 2017. The next step was to draft the standard itself, including its occupational profile, key knowledge, skills and behaviours. To help with this the BCIA sought feedback from organisations across the industry. These comments and contributions have been incorporated into three documents: BEMS Controls Engineer Standard, Duty Matrix Summary and KSB Schedule.

The three documents need to be submitted to the Institute for Apprenticeships (IfA) but first we need your help and welcome your feedback on each document.

An integral part of the proposed Standard is the Occupational Profile which should typically contain 10-20 duties which make up the occupation of a BEMS Control Engineer. These are duties that a fully competent employee should be able to undertake when working in the occupation. The updated Duty Matrix outlines the 15 duties identified for the role which were included in the approved ‘Proposal to develop the Standard’.

For each of the duties, the knowledge, behaviour and skills for competence must be described and are detailed in the updated KSB Schedule. The KSB Schedule lists the Knowledge, Behaviour and Skills required for each of the duties together with the Criteria for Measurement and potential Assessment Methods. These are referenced as: K1, K2, K3 etc., B1, B2, B3., S1, S2, S3 etc., C1, C2, C3 etc., and AM1, AM2 and AM3.

The Duty Matrix and KSB Schedule, together with the Occupational Profile Summary, which must accompany the application, can be viewed on the BCIA website (

A wide range of input is needed, so please help the employer group by kindly reviewing the updated documents found here and send any final comments to Roger Borer ([email protected]) by 14 May 2018. The intention being to submit the BEMS Controls Engineer Standard proposal for the 23 May IfA submission closing date.

We thank you for continued commitment and support in helping to shape the industry.



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