Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme to close
It was announced in the recent Budget that the Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme will be closing (though still available to purchasers of the related Energy Technology List (ETL) products until the end of Mar 2020). What is not immediately clear is what this means for the ETL part of the scheme in the long term.
The Government has no plans to stop this element and manufacturers will still be able to continue listing products on the Energy Technology List. The Chancellor also announced a number of changes to update the Energy Technology List criteria to reflect developments in eligible technologies. These were the recommendations which ICF (the company now working with the Carbon Trust on the technical criteria concerning the ETL and with whom FETA have been liaising closely) submitted to Government in August and had consulted with us and our members prior to that in May, June and July. ICF will imminently reconnect with FETA and manufacturers on their ETL database to complete the criteria revision process, during November and December. Subject to Parliamentary approval, these changes are expected to come into force in 2019.
Furthermore, the ETL criteria revision process will start again next year with a brand new suite of sub-technologies with a precise list yet to be determined. We expect that next year’s programme will be launched in February.
FETA will be meeting with the Carbon Trust and ICF on 29th November to review how we will proceed with the enduring Energy Technology List.
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